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Langrock’s 2020 60-for-60th Monthly Donations Program Supports New Americans in February

Established in 1960, the law firm of Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP has begun a yearlong celebration of their 60 years of service in Vermont with a series of charitable contributions known as 60-for-60th.

Each month throughout 2020, Langrock will be make “donations of 60” to charitable organizations throughout Chittenden and Addison counties.

In February, Langrock supported the Vermont chapter of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI Vermont), by donating 60 picture dictionaries to assist English language learners in USCRI Vermont’s community English classes for New Americans.

“These dictionaries are invaluable,” says Langrock staffer Emilie Schweikert, who volunteers as a teacher in those classes. “We cannot thank Langrock enough for this donation in recognition of the positive impact refugees and immigrants have on the Vermont community,” adds Amila Merdzanovic, USCRI Vermont Director. For more information, watch: https://www.wcax.com/content/news/Celebrating-sixty-years-of-business-with-donations-568374051.html

USCRI Vermont brings hope and opportunity to the lives of refugees and other New Americans through comprehensive, integrated, and linguistically and culturally appropriate services. These services include intensive case management, transitional cash assistance, employment support, English language and citizenship training, and family strengthening education. For more information about USCRI Vermont, https://refugees.org/field-office/vermont.

Previously, Langrock donated 60 team jackets to the athletes of the Rutland Eagles Special Olympics team, enabling the Eagles to attend competitions in matching uniforms. Next up, Langrock will be supporting Addison County Home Health & Hospice, by sponsoring 60 foot-care clinics for Addison County residents who are age 60 and over.

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