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Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Supports Gender Pay Equity

Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP has signed the Vermont Equal Pay Compact, in recognition of our commitment to gender pay equity. The Compact is a voluntary online pledge that enables Vermont-based employers to publicly indicate their commitment to closing the wage gap between men and women. The Compact is a powerful way to recognize the loss our economy suffers when:

– Vermont women earn only 83% of what Vermont men earn – resulting in millions of dollars of lost income that is not going into our economy
– Vermont women are underrepresented in the jobs that pay the most, and overrepresented in the lowest-paying jobs
– Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) occupations, and the opportunities they bring, are dominated by men
– There is tremendous untapped potential in Vermont women who don’t see opportunities or who aren’t able to access them, and Vermont girls who don’t get the education they need to enter the highest-paying professions

Langrock encourages other employers to sign on and commit to tangible, concrete steps that will help close the wage gap between men and women.


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