Working for Change: Through Activism and the Law
On October 20, 2017, we will host a performance and panel discussion entitled “Working for Change: Through Activism and the Law.” We will explore the challenges of living in Vermont experienced by people of color and recent immigrants, and how our communities can be more accepting and supportive of our new neighbors. Members of the poetry slam group, Muslim Girls Making Change — Hawa Adam, Kiran Waqar, Lena Ginawi, and Balkisa Abdikadir — will perform their work, and then join Ebony Nyoni, Executive Director of Black Lives Matter Vermont, Thato Ratsebe, Assistant Director and Programs Manager of AALV-VT, and Marita Canedo of Migrant Justice, for a panel discussion and questions and answers.
This will be a breakfast event, at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 152 Pearl Street, Burlington. Coffee and pastries will be served beginning at 7:30 a.m.