Pop-Up Politics – Getting Involved, Staying Involved
Thank you to all who attended our Pop-Up Politics event, presented as part of Langrock Sperry & Wool’s year-long Women’s Initiative, and co-sponsored by Emerge Vermont and The Snelling Center for Government! And special thanks to our Amazing panelists: Mitzi Johnson, Speaker of the House; Diane Snelling, Chair of the Natural Resources Board; Sue Minter, former Secretary of the Agency of Transportation; Kesha Ram, former State Representative; and Ruth Hardy, Executive Director of Emerge Vermont.
We heard about leadership, what it’s like to be a woman engaged in today’s political landscape, and what events led the panelists to where they find themselves today. Many of the stories were engaging, relevant and inspirational. From simply being in the right place at the right time to being told they couldn’t – each story was slightly different. However, one thing rang true for all of the speakers – if women aren’t at the table, they are likely to find themselves on the menu, and we simply can’t afford that. Here are two ways to get involved:
The Snelling Center is committed to empowering female leaders. It is a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to fostering responsible and ethical civic leadership, encouraging public service by private citizens, and promoting informed citizen participation in shaping public policy in Vermont. The Center currently runs three leadership programs: The Vermont Leadership Institute (VLI); The Early Childhood Leadership Institute (ECLI); and the Vermont School Leadership Project (VSLP). Many women in the room on Monday were either VLI alumni, current or former Snelling Center Board Members, or program faculty. The Snelling Center has been in operation since 1992 and has over 800 graduates making a difference in Vermont and in the lives of Vermonters every day.
The Snelling Center is currently recruiting its 23rd class of the Vermont Leadership Institute (2018). Applications are due May 1, 2017 and more information can be found at https://snellingcenter.org/leadership/vermont-leadership-institute/how-to-apply/.{fa87b0b1a0a8935afe3d87803b0ec80947d5f1934ed890dff17b29406e7acf80}20 For any questions call 802-859-3090, or e-mail heidi@snellingcenter.org.
Emerge Vermont is dedicated to changing the face of Vermont politics by identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office at all levels of government, get elected, and serve their communities and our state. Its intensive, cohort-based, six-month training program is unique.
Emerge will begin accepting applications for its next six-month Signature Program in May 2017. The program will run September 2017 through February 2018. All training days will take place on weekends and there will be one overnight session. More information can be found at http://www.emergevt.org/training/application. For any questions, contact ruth@emergevt.org.