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Langrock Women’s Initiative – Girls Rock the Capitol!

For the February event in our Women’s Initiative, the women of Langrock spent an inspirational afternoon and evening in Montpelier with the Amazing young Women participating in “Girls Rock the Capitol” – a legislative education program created by the Girls Scouts and organized for this legislative session by two Amazing Women, Kelly Bowen and Amanda Denison. The up-and-coming young women participants – some of Vermont’s brightest high-schoolers – serve as Legislative Interns, shadowing female Senators and Representatives at the State House, and working directly on legislation in areas of their passion and interest.

Our time with these remarkable young women started at the Supreme Judicial Court. Justice Beth Robinson hosted an engaging behind-the-scenes tour of the Court and its work, and then orchestrated a lively mock appellate argument. Before the Interns even knew what had happened, three became robed Justices, two became prosecuting attorneys for the State of Vermont, and two assumed their roles as attorneys for the defendant arrested in his own driveway for DUI. It was a remarkable experience for all!

We then moved across the street to the Capitol Plaza for a lively discussion and dinner with the Interns and the group leaders. The motivation and engagement of the young women was infectious. We shared experiences and motivations as female attorneys and listened to their inspirations and inquiries about their own futures. We know we will see their names and faces in the future leadership of our communities, within and beyond Vermont, and are eager to continue to support them on that journey. Amazing Women Rock!

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