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Langrock Client to be Featured in Reality TV Show

A longtime client of Langrock Sperry & Wool — G Stone Motors, the car dealership on Route 7 just outside Middlebury — is soon to be featured in a new reality TV show. The premise for the show centers around the longstanding trade-in policy that G Stone Motors has offered its clients since its inception nearly forty years ago. While many dealerships are happy to take an old car off one’s hands, G Stone Motors goes a bit further, offering to take anything from an airplane to a pig as part of the transaction. I’ve always taken anything in trade,” said Gardner Stone, president and founder of G Stone Motors. “I mean anything – anything that [can be sold]. I’ll put a number on [it]. It’s not a scam. I’ve done it my whole career.” The eight episode series will be called “Family Trade.” For more information see http://middleburycampus.com/article/reality-tv-comes-to-local-dealership/

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