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FDA Investigating Ongoing Reports of Dangerous Ketoacidosis and Kidney Failure in Diabetes Patients Using SGLT2 Inhibitor Drugs

In the wake of renewed government investigations, the national firm of Lieff Cabraser in conjunction with Langrock Sperry & Wool as local counsel, is investigating adverse events relating to Invokana and other SGLT2 inhibitors linked to diabetic ketoacidosis and kidney failure. This newer class of drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes (Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 or SGLT2 inhibitors) has been connected with dangerously high levels of blood acids that can poison the body.

The FDA is currently investigating numerous reports of ketoacidosis in patients taking these drugs. Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis may include difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, confusion, or unusual fatigue or sleepiness.

These new drugs are prescribed for lowering an individual’s blood sugar. In television and other advertisements, pharmaceutical companies advertise that SGLT2 inhibitors work by removing the sugar through the kidneys and then out of the body through urination.

Affected SGLT2 Inhibitor Drugs

The most common SGLT2 inhibitor brands include:

    • Invokana® (Approved March 2013)
    • Farxiga® (Approved January 2014)
    • Jardiance® (Approved August 2014)

Other drugs in the class include Invokamet™.

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