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Cara Cookson Graduates from the Vermont Leadership Institute, Appointed to Vermont Human Services Board

Cara Cookson, an attorney at Langrock, Sperry & Wool, LLP, graduated from the Vermont Leadership Institute. The Institute is Vermont’s premier leadership development program, consisting of eight overnight sessions, totaling eighteen seminar days between September and June. Recruiting Vermont’s best and brightest from private, public and non-profit centers, VLI provides participants with the information, tools and inspiration to make greater contributions to their organization, to their profession, and to their community.

At Langrock, Cara works primarily on family law and employment law matters, as well as civil litigation. She was recently appointed to the Vermont Human Services Board. The Board is a seven-member panel appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate, and acts as a fair hearing board on appeals of matters before the Agency of Human Services. Members serve six-year terms.

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