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Update in Bennington PFOA Contamination Class Action

The $34.15 million settlement in this Class Action has been preliminarily approved by the Vermont Federal District Court, paving the way for Property Class members to file claims for their property diminution, and for Exposure Class members to file claims to participate in the Medical Monitoring Program. 

Class Counsel have created a Settlement Website — www.benningtonvtclassaction.com – where Class members can go to read about the Settlement, file their Claim Forms online, and watch a webinar describing the Settlement and the Claim Form process. A recording of the webinar is also posted on YouTube and can be viewed by following this link https://youtu.be/amjMh594HaQ . The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on April 18, 2022, 10:00 am, at the Federal Courthouse in Rutland.  After Final Approval, Property Class Settlement funds will be distributed to eligible Class members, and the Medical Monitoring Program, which will be held at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington, will commence (eligible Class members who have relocated out of state can participate in the Medical Monitoring Program remotely).