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Emily Joselson, an attorney and partner of the law firm Langrock Sperry & Wool was honored by the Vermont Association for Justice (VTAJ) in a ceremony on June 3, 2022. Joselson was awarded the Advocacy Award for her work promoting justice through testimony and advocacy leading to the Vermont Legislature’s passage of legislation providing a remedy of Medical Monitoring for residents exposed to toxic pollution.

Earlier this year, Joselson was instrumental in obtaining a settlement of $34 million and 15-years of medical monitoring for her clients exposed to pollution in Bennington, VT. Furthermore, Joselson’s work with legislators, advocacy partners, and residents of Bennington aided in the passage of the first medical monitoring statute in the country. 

VTAJ past president, James Levins introduced Emily at the ceremony, “Emily exemplifies what is best in lawyers advocating for the rights of individuals. She works to hold wrongdoers responsible by working on behalf of her clients to seek real justice.”

Emily joined Langrock Sperry & Wool after clerking for the Vermont Supreme Court. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School and is a past president of the Vermont Association for Justice. 

VTAJ promotes a fair and effective civil justice system and protects the rights of those injured by the misconduct or negligence of others. They support the continuing education, professionalism, and legal practices of our attorney, paralegal and other members. https://www.vermontjustice.org/